Our Future Workplace:
I don’t know about you but I have thoroughly enjoyed working from home. I have more flexibility in structuring my day, less stress, and more time with my family. With the vaccine rollout in full force, many entrepreneurs and business leaders are wondering what will be next. As I see it we will either have a mixed model, or a permanent switch to remote work. It’s unlikely that we will return to the classical 9 to 5 office life, with the exception of some industries of course. To make this switch successfully we have to keep in mind to:
1.Invite speakers to motivate the team
2.Have clear internal and external communication paths in place
3.Engage your team
4.Provide your team with good gear
Watch my video above to see how you can get your business ready!
Resources & News
Get Published Summit
From February 22-26, my friend Paul Brodie is bringing you presentations from over 25 industry experts (including me) who have found ways to build a thriving business by using their books.
The goal for the summit is to help people share their stories and to help you use your book to build your business and author platform.
Article I’m Reading
Many sources have revealed that people working from home are actually more productive than in the office.
The downside? Innovation suffers, random brainstorming sessions are amiss, and learning from colleagues is just not the same.
But there is hope. Read this article on how to let your creative juices flow at home!
On My Mind
The future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.
– Barack Obama
Life is rarely a straight line, and there are curves and setbacks, but the most important guide in my life has been the question: Is this making me happy, and is this going to be good for my family? Great reasons to “press on”…
Happy Leader Spotlight
Chris Doutre is the founder of Transport Dsquare and an excellent leader. He truly lives the word teamwork and knows how to motivate his people. Chris is one of the hardest working people I know.
If you don’t know him yet, you should reach out and get to know him!