Q4 is where we review what we have accomplished during the year and where we get to collect the fruits of our labor.
The 3 things you should focus on in Q4:
1) Revisit your annual initiatives
2) Ensure your new priorities are super clear
3) Consider the holiday season in your planning
Interested? Watch the video above.
Resources & News
Partner News
On Oct. 14-16, 2021, my friends Kendell Cook and Antonio Thornton are launching the Strategic Marketing Summit that will help entrepreneurs who are struggling with getting enough sales and leads. You’ll discover exactly how to start addressing the fear that you won’t earn enough money to make payroll.
Article I’m Reading
BDC published a new report yesterday outlining the severe labor shortage the Canadian market is facing. Two main problem areas are:
1.Hiring New Employees
2.Retaining Employees
In order to help your business make sure to do the following: Craft clear scorecards, take the time necessary to find a Promoter for your team and invest in your company culture.
On My Mind
As entrepreneurs, we are used to taking risks, but a successful business also needs a lot of planning. Setting priorities for each quarter helps us to stay aligned and accountable with our overall business goals.
“By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”
–Benjamin Franklin
Happy Leader Spotlight
Hugo Boutet has been a partner and friend for some years now so I know what I’m talking about when I call him a great leader. He is an experienced entrepreneur, now a coach on a mission to help entrepreneurs realize their vision of their business and you should definitely connect with him.
Connect with Hugo here.